Schulensmeer Lake – Belgium

Giant water gun: Nature and man worked together to unintentionally make a weapon out of Belgium’s 2.5 km long Schulensmeer. A highway was constructed nearby in 1970’s and the parcels of land brought for it turned the lake into a pistol shape. It is not as deadly as it seems, however in case of flooding it causes the Demer River to overflow. Otherwise, sailing, surfing and water sports are the powder in the gun.
The Lake that leads the Latin Alphabet

To be honest there are simply loads of heart-shaped lakes out there everywhere from Ohio to Korea so we just didn’t have room for all of them here. Shot from a balloon, this next lake or perhaps more accurately pond looks like the letter ‘A’ to us. Anyone know of other lakes that spell something out to them? We’d be interested to hear.
Friday's Lake

The reservoir of the Kiev Hydroelectric Power Plant.
Catherine's garden in Moscow is of the same form (and content)

The Lake designed by Pisces

This frozen-over, fish-shaped wonder was captured on Alaska’s Mt. McKinley, the highest mountain peak in North America at around 6,194 metres. Mount McKinley actually has a larger rise than Mount Everest, as its base sits at a much lower elevation of 610 m, and is also bulkier than its Himalayan rival. With such imposing facts, it’s no wonder this obscurely fishy lake is less well-known..
The Lake in the image of Man

This next shape is clearly a product of deliberate human intervention in the natural landscape, a figure that stands some 140 metres tall in a lake located near Iacanga in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. However, aside from its location and vital statistics, information about this strange piece of land art is scarce. Anyone know anything we don’t? If so, pray do tell.
The Lake of Lady Luck

Canada’s aptly-named Horseshoe Lake might bring luck for some, but geographically oxbow lakes like this are not uncommon. These sweeping U-shaped bodies of water are formed when a wide meander from a river’s main stem is cut off, creating the characteristically curved lake. This fine-looking example is located along the long the Red River, near Morris in southern Manitoba.
The River that doubles your luck

So how do oxbow lakes arise? Well many of them start out a lot like this. Yes, we know, it isn’t a lake, but it could be one in the making. This is Arizona’s Horseshoe Bend, a magnificent meander of the Colorado River situated slightly downstream from Lake Powell within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. From the steep cliff above, some 305 metres higher up, it makes a breathtaking sight.
Manicouagan Lake – Canada

Engaging ring: One of the seven wonders of Canada, a ring-shaped hydroelectric reservoir lake occupies the centre of Quebec’s Manicouagan Crater. This shuttle view shows the prominent 70 kilometers diameter, ice-covered annular lake that fills a ring where impact-brecciated rock has been eroded by glaciation.
The Lake that says ‘How do you do?’

The previous lake may have been man-shaped by design, but this next one looks more natural; natural but not au naturel – see he’s wearing a hat and cane as he walks across the countryside. We’re not sure where this is, but we’ve featured it on EG before and one commenter reckoned it could be Blythefield Reservoir in Staffordshire, England; another said it must be Mr. Peanut of Planters fame.
Heart shaped lake, possibly in Korea

The Lake Eros, India

If you fancy giving a lake photo as a valentine gift, the heart shaped Lake Eros is the water body for you. The Chembra Peak in India overlooks what is the symbol of love throughout the world, at 1,398 metres above sea level. The water not only warms the eyes but is also at a fairly tolerable temperature with a surface area of 1,827 square meters.
Not really a lake but there is some water

Arabian sheik billionaire decided to glorify himself in the world and outside it, by writing his name on the sand of the island belonging to him
with kilometer letters. HAMAD inscription is dug in the sand of the island belonging to him with al-Futaisi letters. The whole inscription is about 4 km at length.
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